Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Humira: First Injections

Tonight I received my first 4 Humira injections. In all honesty it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. We had been having issues with a  nurse coming out (mainly due to an incompetent pharmacy that first sent a nurse who thought she was giving a shot for hepatitis c and who was reading the Humira instructions when she got to our house. We told her we would feel more comfortable with someone who actually had administered Humira on Crohn’s patients.

The right nurse came out around 7 P.M. and most of the time was spent on answering questions like if I got sick to call my doctor and it could take 4-6 weeks for Humira to work. I would label this as legal or disclaimer information.

We then went over the instructions and I took notes of all the steps required to administer Humira. I think I got ten steps in total. The nurse did the first shot and I did the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I was nervous about the first injection and was curious how much pain there was going to be. I injected the first in my stomach it really didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. It really felt as bad as when you banging your arm or shoulder or something and a small stingy feeling. The injection is only for ten seconds.

Although, the medication takes a get into the system I am not really feeling any pain tonight. At night I usually have pain. I also have pain in the morning but this goes away after a bowel movement.  Time will tell how effective Humira is. Until then I will watch to see how I feel and inform of you of any developments in my treatment process. 

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