Saturday, April 20, 2024

One Long Night, Weight Loss, and Flare

Last night was probably one of the roughest nights with Crohn's I had had in a long while. I was in and out of the bathroom almost a dozen different times. I actually went through a whole roll of toilet paper in one night. My bowel movements have all been close and I consistently have stomach cramping around my belly button. In the past couple of days if I recall when I last weighed myself on Wednesday I was 172 lbs. and now I am closer to 168 lbs. My appetite is also fairly low as I continue to have cramping in my stomach so I don't have the sensation of feeling hungry at all. Compared to flares I've had before they only last a couple of days and then they resolve themselves. This seems to be is there some type of infection or a major Crohn's flare. Last night my sleep also wasn't that great even though I went to bed around 10:00 PM I woke up at 2:00 AM, 6:00 AM, and then finally at 10:00 AM. I had more stomach pain when I woke up at 6 A.M. vs. 10 A.M. (the power of sleep!). To be proactive I had ordered some adult large Depends because I was worried about having some possible fecal incontinence overnight period look unfortunately they did not arrive yesterday as I had anticipated however they showed up this morning. I was lucky because last night I did not suffer from any type of fecal incontinence however I wore all layers of underwear and some sweat shorts. I don't have a fever poor am I stuffed up. I seriously wonder if this was all started when I had my allergy issues and then somehow that spiked my immune system to create some type of Crohn's flare. The only thing I remember was when I had Sudafed I had some stomach cramping however when I switched out the medication to Claritin and it seemed to do better in terms of my GI system. I haven't taken any antibiotics or other medications in the past couple of days. 

My overall energy levels are pretty low and I constantly feel fatigue and tired. Even getting up I feel a little lightheaded. My game plan for today since it's Saturday is to just rest, relax, and stay hydrated to the best of my ability. Also I will try to eat very light food OK then high stomach is quite upset. Although at the rate I'm going if I lose 1 LB per day in another week that will be underweight compared to where I should be.

I called my internist before even though it was the weekend and she mentioned to take electrolytes and stay hydrated. She will send my GI as message as well. This morning I have sent my GI a message as well to explain my symptoms as well. Hopefully between both of our messages I can see my GI earlier than the following Monday. I feel like I have seen this movie before and don't feel like I am at death's door just not feeling well. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Allergies and Potential Crohn's Flare

The past week has been interesting health wise. First I had allergies for the past week were I was stuffed up and congested however never had a sore throat or fever at all. Previously three weeks before that I had some allergies as well but it lasted only for a couple of days. Within the past couple of days I am no longer stuffed up however have been really tired with fatigue. Yesterday was probably the worst day in terms of how tired I was (even though I slept 10 hours the night before-however I did wake up multiple times during the night. My last workout was Wednesday morning and I felt as if I was really dragging during the workout. 

Last night I probably slept a little over 9 hours and when I woke up was still tired even though I had a good night's rest. My stomach was also cramping and I had to go to the bathroom maybe half a dozen times and all the bowel movements was liquid, however there wasn't much cramping. Also the past couple of days I haven't been super hungry either. Last night I did have some baked ziti and fried cheese which could have potentially contributed to the mini flare this morning. My stomach seemed a little angry and ever I had my bowel movements seemed relieved. I decided to skip my usual flat white this morning since I was worried the caffeine may accelerate the diarrhea. 

As I write this my cramping seems to have gone away however I am still fatigued and tired (however my energy levels have improved from yesterday). When I get home from work I look forward to resting. My game plan is to take a hot bath, get some good sleep tonight (since tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to be anywhere), have a light dinner, and stay hydrated (usually with water and Pedialyte). 

On Monday I have an appointment with my doctor who will do some blood work. As a back up plan I have an appointment with my GI the following Monday just in case things don't improve (given his next appointments aren't until June). Personally I feel as if this is a minor setback and backed on history I generally bounce back.